What Kills Weeds Permanently?
How to Prevent Weeds from Growing?
There is no way to completely prevent all weeds from growing on your lake shore or in your pond. However, there are things you can use to help reduce the amount of growth you see during the season. Using nutrient reducers such as PhosControl and MuckMaid can be a big help for getting ahead of the weeds.
Aquatic plants naturally grow thicker in some parts of a lake or pond and thinner in others. Human activity such as building developments and boating puts more nutrients into the water which then feeds more weed growth.
Although weed prevention can be a bit difficult, all hope is not lost. Keeping up with nutrient reduction often and regularly can greatly aid in the process.
How Do You Stop Weeds from Growing?
Nutrient reducers are the best prevention plan for anyone wanting to get ahead early in the season. SparKlear will reduce the amount of excess nutrients in the water column by changing the nitrates and nitrites into nitrogen gas, thus dissolving the excess nutrients and making them unavailable to weeds.
SparKlear comes in liquid that can be diluted and sprayed or small pellets that are broadcast directly into the area. Regular applications of SparKlear will continue dissolving nutrients all season long.
Phosphorus is the number one nutrient weeds need to grow, and high phosphorus levels in water feed more plant and algae growth. People ask how to get rid of phosphorus in water, and PhosControl is the answer.
PhosControl is a fine granular product that bonds with phosphorus in the water column, making the phosphorus unavailable to plants. This will essentially starve the potential plants and algae so they can’t grow.
While SparKlear and PhosControl are both nutrient reducers, there are differences between them, including target nutrients and application timing. Typically, PhosControl is applied at the very beginning of the season and the very end of the season when no plants are growing. This way the most phosphorus is available in the water. Sometimes customers choose to apply a dose in the middle of the season as well, which is perfectly okay.
SparKlear can be applied whenever the air temperature is 50-90° F every 2-4 weeks throughout the season. This will keep removing nutrients from fish and animal waste, runoff, and more.
How to Get Rid of Muck?
One of the best ways to get rid of muck is by using a muck reducer such as MuckMaid. These pellets are broadcast over the intended area and will sink down to eat away the organic material at the bottom. The beneficial bacteria and enzymes break down the muck through a natural process that is completely safe for humans, pets, fish, and wildlife.
MuckMaid muck pellets eat 1-3 inches of muck with every application and can be applied every 2-4 weeks all season long. Once the muck is all gone and the hard bottom is exposed, there is no longer a pile of nutrients sitting there to feed future growth.
Another great option to reduce muck is to use a muck blower like the Aqua Stormfuro. This ½ horsepower motor clears an area 30 feet out and 5 feet wide in the direction it is pointed. While the constantly moving water keeps the weeds and muck from settling in your lake shore area, it will not dissolve the muck like MuckMaid.
However, the Aqua Stormfuro can be turned on and left alone, whereas MuckMaid needs to be reapplied. Any product will have its pros and cons, and we encourage you to become familiar with your options before deciding what’s best for you.
Why Should I Eliminate Muck?
Eliminating the muck and organic buildup on the bottom of your lake shore can greatly reduce the amount of weed growth you see. Weeds use the nutrients in muck to feed themselves and grow stronger. When there’s no muck present, weeds and algae don’t have food to grow; they essentially get starved out.
Muck consists of dead plant material that has sunk and is decomposing. It can have an unpleasant odor and is squishy when stepped in or picked up. Eliminating muck will make your pond or lake shore a more enjoyable area!
How to Kill Weeds Permanently?
Using contact herbicides consistently and correctly can help kill off your pond or lake shore weeds for good. Dibrox is an ideal solution to weed growth. Dibrox is a broad spectrum herbicide that can kill weeds in as little as 2-3 weeks. This liquid herbicide is diluted with water and sprayed over the top of the weeds, then it sinks down and attaches to the weeds. Contact herbicides typically need to be reapplied every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season for best results. As treatments continue, the goal is to treat fewer weeds over time.