Control Cattails
Cattails can form dense stands in areas with shallow water or wetlands. Many people ask how to get rid of cattails.
Recently the invasive narrowleaf cattail and hybrid cattail have become much more abundant, outcompeting native cattails. These cattails are much more aggressive and can necessitate cattail management treatments or efforts. The following options can be considered for how to control cattails.
Click here to read more about identifying this plant.
Manual/Mechanical Control:
If you are considering how to remove cattails, physically cutting down the plants and digging up the roots, though extremely labor intensive, can be a somewhat effective method of control. Be sure to dig up all parts of the root system because cattails can re-grow from any seeds or roots remaining in the area.
Cutting down cattails at or below the water line often results in stronger plants growing back, as does burning them. There is some evidence to support 75%+ control by mowing cattails after the flower heads are formed but not mature and following up with another mowing three to five weeks later when the plants are two to three feet tall.
Herbicide Control:
There is an option for how to kill cattails that offers great control.
- Cattail and Water Lily Control (Imox + surfactant) (for ponds or lakes) – liquids that are mixed and diluted with water and sprayed directly on the entire mature plants. Will move through the plant down to the root system as well.
Treatment Tips:
- Do not cut or burn cattails because these plants are very resilient and will often come back with more life.
- With Imox or other systemic herbicides, treatment is most effective when the plants are mature or close to full grown. This allows for more plant surface to spray enough mixture on.
- Treat in late summer to early fall to get better kill of the root systems. At this time, plants are pulling energy into their roots to store for the winter.
- Cattails may be cut or pulled once they are brown and crispy after treatment.
- If a dense stand of cattails is present, treat what is accessible. The following year, treat the next section.
Recommended Products
Cattail & Water Lily Control