

Flumigard and Semera aquatic herbicides eliminate invasive floating weeds and submerged weeds, such as duckweed and watermeal. They also treat a wide variety of algae.

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Product Info

Flumigard or Semera are our go-to watermeal products. Flumigard and Semera control a wide range of nuisance lake weeds and pond plants effectively and quickly. These aquatic herbicides are available in a variety of sizes to treat ponds up to eight acres when used in surface applications. Flumigard and Semera deliver fast and selective control of tough invasive and nuisance plants such as watermeal, Eurasian watermilfoil, fanwort, mosquito fern, water lettuce, duckweed, giant Salvinia and more. Plus, Flumigard and Semera dissipate quickly from the water column and do not accumulate in sediment.


  • EPA approved
  • Active ingredient in WDG: Flumioxazin 51%. Same as Flumigard and Clipper
  • Active ingredient in SC: Flumioxazin 42%. Same as Flumigard SC
  • Safe for most fish and wildlife
  • No swimming or fishing restrictions
  • Fast acting
  • Results in just 7-14 days
  • Lake Restoration Product Guarantee


For a more complete pond maintenance solution or lake treatment, we recommend using our Watermeal Pond Treatment Products. We provide a simple solution to give your pond or lake the healthy and beautiful look it was intended to have and get the most out of your recreational area.

Manufactured by Atticus, LLC.


Call us toll-free at 1-877-428-8898 for more information.


What is Semera used for?

Semera is a broad spectrum herbicide and algaecide used to treat a wide variety of floating or submerged weeds plus algae.

What is the active ingredient?

The active ingredient is flumioxazin.

How to apply Semera herbicide?

Mix the liquid form with water in a sprayer or dissolve granules in water and spray over where the weeds are.

Is granular or liquid better?

Granular Semera can be sprinkled around dock areas for treating lake weeds. If treating watermeal, granular or liquid forms are best mixed with water and sprayed, so liquid is easier.

How does Semera compare to Clipper?

Semera has the same active ingredient in the same quantity as Clipper!

Is Semera safe for fish and wildlife?

Semera is EPA approved for aquatic use. It is safe to use with the fish, frogs, turtles, etc. in the water as well as the animals that come visit.

Will Semera kill duckweed or watermeal?

Yes! Semera will kill a large variety of floating weeds (including watermeal), submerged weeds, and algae.

When should I apply Semera?

For best results, apply Semera early in the morning when the pH of the water is naturally lower. Apply Semera when the water temperature is 60° F or warmer and the weeds are actively growing.

When will I see results after applying Semera?

You’ll see results on floating weeds or algae in 7-14 days and submerged weeds in 17-21 days.

Treatment Tips

Read all labels for complete instructions before applying products.

Weed identification


Our recommendations:

Submerged weed control

Floating weed control

How to apply

  • Use the Tormada product application boat for easy application (for submerged weeds)
  • Dilute (dissolve first if using granules) with tap water, and evenly spray the surface over the plants
    • Dilute 1 oz. in 1 gallon of water
    • 1 oz. = 3 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. of granules
  • If using with a surfactant, dilute (dissolve first if using granules) products with tap water, and evenly spray the surface over the plants entirely
    • Dilute 1 oz. Semera and 1 oz. of surfactant in 1 gallon of water
    • 1 oz. = 3 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. of granules

When to apply

  • Apply on a sunny, calm day when the water temperature is 60° F or warmer
  • Treat early in the morning, and when plants are actively growing and near the surface of the water
  • May re-treat every 7-14 days or when there is new growth

Other tips

  • Application rates based on a 1 ft. average depth, areas with dense growth may require a higher rate to be used
  • Mix with surfactant for floating and emergent plants
Label / SDS

Semera WDG Label

Semera WDG SDS

Semera SC Label

Semera SC SDS

Flumigard Label

Flumigard SDS

Flumigard SC Label

Flumigard SC SDS

Aquatic herbicides water use restrictions according to label:

  • Swimming: 0 days
  • Drinking water: 0 days
  • Domestic uses: 0 days
  • Fish consumption: 0 days
  • Irrigation for food/crop: 5 days
  • Irrigation for turn/ornamental: 5 days
  • Livestock watering: 0 days
Shipping Info

FREE shipping on orders $99+

Orders $98.99 or less will be charged $12.95.

Orders are usually shipped within one day by a ground carrier.


U.S. shipping only.

Certain regulations apply for shipping to AK, CA, CT, DE, HI, ME, MA, NJ, NY, VT, WA, DC. Please contact us if you live in one of these states: 1-877-428-8898.

Lake/Pond Size Calculator
Area: Lake Pond



Flumigard or Semera are our go-to watermeal products. Flumigard and Semera control a wide range of nuisance lake weeds and pond plants effectively and quickly. These aquatic herbicides are available in a variety of sizes to treat ponds up to eight acres when used in surface applications. Flumigard and Semera deliver fast and selective control of tough invasive and nuisance plants such as watermeal, Eurasian watermilfoil, fanwort, mosquito fern, water lettuce, duckweed, giant Salvinia and more. Plus, Flumigard and Semera dissipate quickly from the water column and do not accumulate in sediment.


  • EPA approved
  • Active ingredient in WDG: Flumioxazin 51%. Same as Flumigard and Clipper
  • Active ingredient in SC: Flumioxazin 42%. Same as Flumigard SC
  • Safe for most fish and wildlife
  • No swimming or fishing restrictions
  • Fast acting
  • Results in just 7-14 days
  • Lake Restoration Product Guarantee


For a more complete pond maintenance solution or lake treatment, we recommend using our Watermeal Pond Treatment Products. We provide a simple solution to give your pond or lake the healthy and beautiful look it was intended to have and get the most out of your recreational area.

Manufactured by Atticus, LLC.


Call us toll-free at 1-877-428-8898 for more information.

Additional information


Semera SC 8 ounces (treats up to 1/2 acre) – $74.00, Flumigard 1 lb. (treats up to 1 acre) – $115.00, Flumigard 5 lbs. (treats up to 5 acres) – $379.00, Flumigard 1/2 gallon (treats up to 4 acres) – $259.00, Flumigard 1 gallon (treats up to 8 acres) – $449.00

Product Form


Product Use

Treatment Area



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