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Welcome to Lake Restoration

 Since 1977 we have been improving our neighbors' quality of life by improving their quality of water. Let us help make your water cleaner and more enjoyable, so you can create wonderful memories with friends and family at your cherished property. Let's make every moment by the water a delightful one!

Coontail close up underwater on white background.

Coontail vs. Milfoil | Identify & Control

Overview Although coontail and milfoil look similar with their branched stems and bushy leaves, they have a few differing characteristics that aid in the identification of each plant. Coontail feels rough when pulled through the hand and has straight leaves. Milfoil is smoother to the touch and has pairs of leaflets. Another big difference is…

Close up of turtle with duckweed and watermeal on shell.

Duckweed and Watermeal: Identify and Control

Overview Duckweed and watermeal are easily confused with one another. However, they can be properly identified by taking a closer look. Duckweed often has tiny, hair-like roots growing into the water, as well as 3 fronds that make it look a lot like a clover. In contrast, watermeal consists of small pieces that look like…

Healthy pond with boat and blooming trees.

Oxygen: The Most Important Element

Overview Aquatic plants and animals need oxygen to survive, and a water body needs it to stay healthy. One of the most common ways to determine how healthy the water is and how much life it can sustain is by detecting dissolved oxygen levels in ponds. As air and water mix at the surface, oxygen…

Single fish close up just below surface of water.

Why is pH Important in my Pond?

What is pH? pH is a measure of how acidic or basic (alkaline) water is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Lower pond pH represents more acidity and higher numbers represent basicity. pH reflects how soluble different minerals and nutrients are (such as copper, lead, phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon)…