
Close up of yellowcress flowers in the process of budding.

Yellowcress has branched stems with elongated or sword/oval shaped leaves. Flowers grow on the same branches as leaves and have four bright yellow petals.

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Yellow Floating Heart

Yellow floating heart leaves on water with flowers sticking out.

Yellow floating heart has long leaf stalks and alternate leaves that float on the water. Bright yellow flowers have five petals that look frayed.

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Yellow Flag

Small group of yellow flag along the water.

Yellow flag has tall leaves, three to four feet, that arch at the upper parts and come to a point. Yellow flowers are big and showy, with many on each stem.

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Northern Wild Rice

Northern wild rice groups growing in shallow water.

Northern wild rice has tall reed like stems, ribbon like leaves that float, and branching flowers with yellow to deep red fruits (edible grains).

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Annual Wild Rice

Annual wild rice in a field.

Annual wild rice has tall thick stems, large strap like leaves, branching flowers up to two feet long, and yellow or reddish fruits (edible grains).

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Close up of sweet flag flower.

Sweetflag leaves grow in clusters from horizontal underground stems. Simple leaves are bright green and up to six feet long.

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Swamp Smartweed

Swamp smartweed in a field.

Swamp smartweed has sword shaped leaves and small flowers that grow in clusters at the ends of branches. Flowers are greenish white with pink tips.

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Reed Mannagrass

Reed mannagrass in a field.

Reed mannagrass has light green stems that can be more than eight feet tall. Rough leaves are angled out of the stem and grow nearly two inches wide.

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Reed Canarygrass

Reed canarygrass in a field.

Reed canarygrass has tall round stems with alternate leaves that are tapered. Straw colored seed heads grow at the tops of the stems.

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Giant Reed

Giant reed in large group.

Giant reed has thick round stems that grow in large clumps and can be six to 18 feet tall. Alternate leaves grow up to two feet long.

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Crested Floating Heart

Crested floating heart flowers and leaves.

Crested floating heart has heart shaped leaves eight inches long and six inches wide and showy flowers with frilly white petals and yellow centers.

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Cordgrass cluster in sand.

Cordgrass has hollow stems grouped together up to eight feet tall. Leaves are spine like and clustered flowers branch loosely.

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Common Rush

Common rush group close up.

Common rush has straight, hollow stems two to four feet tall, no leaves, and brown clusters of flowers that grow out of the sides of the stems.

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Bur Marigold

Bur marigold flowers and leaves close up.

Bur marigold has round green stems and can grow nearly four feet tall. Leaves have toothed edges. Bright yellow flowers have eight to 15 petals.

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Blue Flag

Blue flag at water's edge with bridge in background.

Blue flag has long narrow green leaves that arch and show blue or indigo flowers.

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Giant Arrowhead

Giant arrowhead leaf and flowers.

Giant arrowhead has robust leaf stalks and large leaves that emerge. Flowers have three white petals with a red spot and yellow stamen.

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Broadleaf Arrowhead

Broadleaf arrowhead group with flowers growing out of water.

Broadleaf arrowhead has angled stems and arrowhead shaped leaves that can grow up to 10 inches long and wide. One-inch flowers have three white petals.

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Aquatic Forget Me Not

Aquatic forget me not large cluster with flowers.

Aquatic forget me not has lance shaped leaves and pale blue flowers that have five petals each and a yellow center.

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American Lotus

American lotus in groups with flowers and buds.

American lotus has huge round green leaves that may be cupped above the water slightly and yellow flowers with a cone shaped seed pod in the center.

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Floating Primrose

Floating primrose flower extreme close up

Floating primrose’s leaves emerge from the water’s surface and the plant blooms with five petal yellow flowers.

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