
Cordgrass cluster in sand.

Cordgrass has hollow stems grouped together up to eight feet tall. Leaves are spine like and clustered flowers branch loosely.

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Bur Marigold

Bur marigold flowers and leaves close up.

Bur marigold has round green stems and can grow nearly four feet tall. Leaves have toothed edges. Bright yellow flowers have eight to 15 petals.

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Blue Waterleaf

Blue waterleaf flowers and buds.

Blue waterleaf has thick stems that grow up to three feet tall and have spines on them. Bright blue to purple flowers have five petals. Leaves are pointy.

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Blue Flag

Blue flag at water's edge with bridge in background.

Blue flag has long narrow green leaves that arch and show blue or indigo flowers.

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Giant Arrowhead

Giant arrowhead leaf and flowers.

Giant arrowhead has robust leaf stalks and large leaves that emerge. Flowers have three white petals with a red spot and yellow stamen.

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Broadleaf Arrowhead

Broadleaf arrowhead group with flowers growing out of water.

Broadleaf arrowhead has angled stems and arrowhead shaped leaves that can grow up to 10 inches long and wide. One-inch flowers have three white petals.

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Aquatic Forget Me Not

Aquatic forget me not large cluster with flowers.

Aquatic forget me not has lance shaped leaves and pale blue flowers that have five petals each and a yellow center.

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American Water Plantain

American water plantain growing at edge of pond.

American water plantain grows on muddy banks and has green elliptical shaped leaves with small pink or white flowers.

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American Featherfoil

American featherfoil single plant.

American featherfoil has finely divided floating leaves and inflated flower stems standing in groups above the water with small white flowers.

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Floating Primrose

Floating primrose flower extreme close up

Floating primrose’s leaves emerge from the water’s surface and the plant blooms with five petal yellow flowers.

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Parrot Feather

Parrot feather has feathered leaves that come above the water’s surface and can look like they are made of plastic.

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