Goose Deterrent D-Fence Keeps Waterfront Properties Goose-Free
Due to abundant habitat, high reproductive rate, a long life-span as well as low mortality due to minimal predation and hunting we have seen a dramatic increase in the population of geese around residential and lake home areas. As much as some people love to see these proud birds return as a sign of fairer…
5 Simple Steps to a Healthy Pond
With five simple steps and our PONDRestore® Ultra kit, you will be on your way to a beautiful, clear and healthy pond! We have combined together these five products to provide your pond relief from weeds and algae. This all-in-one complete kit is the answer you need for complete pond weed control and management. Step…
How to Get Rid of Algae in a Fountain or Water Feature
Every year people wonder about how to get rid of annoying, unsightly and unhealthy algae in their fountains and water features. They’ve put time, money, and effort in with the goal of enjoying the beauty of their yard and instead end up frustrated, with green goop floating across their best-laid plans. What was supposed to…
Lake and Pond Weed Removal Tools: An Overview
With summer arriving let Lake Restoration help you keep your lake healthy and beautiful with our pond and lake weed removal tools, We’ll help find the best option for you. Here are several options for your pond and lake weed removal needs. Our LAKEMAID® is a mechanical lake rake weed removal system that drags weed-removing…
Wisconsin Aquatic Weed Control and Management in Ponds and Lakes
Below are some descriptions of and solutions for Wisconsin aquatic weed control issues. Purple Loosestrife Purple loosestrife is a nuisance exotic weed that is extremely invasive in Wisconsin’s wetlands as it displaces native wetland vegetation and degrades wildlife habitat. And as native vegetation is displaced, rare plants are often the first species to disappear. This…
Water Garden Maintenance Packages Introduced by Lake Restoration
Lake Restoration has introduced Water Garden and Water Feature Maintenance Packages, a complete combination of products to enhance the health and appearance of your garden pond. The new packages will take the guess work out of reducing the nutrients in water gardens or water features and will help get the algae growth under control! The…
Minnesota Aquatic Weed Control in Ponds and Lakes
Here are some examples of aquatic weeds and how to control them in any of Minnesota’s 11,842 lakes, 6,564 natural rivers and streams and over 10 million acres of wetlands. Curlyleaf Pondweed Curlyleaf pondweed also known as Curly cabbage or crisp pondweed is a plant native to Africa, Australia, and Eurasia and was introduced in…
Indiana Aquatic Weed Control and Pond Management
Invasive aquatic plant species in Indiana’s waterways are a source of biological pollution that threaten the ecology of the states’ water resources. These resources are at risk when nuisance exotic plant species invade these ecosystems. Below is a guideline for approaching Indiana aquatic weed control along with a list of the more common aquatic weeds…
Lake Restoration Introduces Mizzen™, a Copper-Based Algaecide
We are proud to introduce a new pond algaecide, a product called Mizzen™. Mizzen is a copper-based algaecide that is is designed for pond and weed control usage, including both planktonic and filamentous algae. Algae actively grows from spring into autumn, and as summer temperatures climb, algae growth can be overwhelming without assistance. Our Mizzen™…
Hydrilla Killer: How to Effectively Kill Hydrilla
Hydrilla is a submerged plant commonly found in ponds and lakes throughout the United States. The plant is an invasive species that originated in Southeast Asia and, once it becomes established, quickly grows over other plants species in its area and starts to harm fish and wildlife. Hydrilla can grow up to one inch per…
The LAKEMAID® – A Better Mechanical Weed Cutter
Do you have a weed problem around your dock but don’t want to (or can’t) use chemicals? We have the perfect solution for you! The LakeMaid is the ultimate automatic weed removal system. It consists of a long floating arm propelled by a submerged pump that drags weed-removing rakes across the lake bottom. This repetitive…
Florida Aquatic Weed Control in Ponds
Florida has over 7700 ponds and lakes and a variety of species of invasive pond weeds. Here are some of the more common aquatic pond weeds found in Florida and how you can control them. Water hyacinth Water HyacinthWater hyacinth is native to South America but has naturalized in much of the Southern U.S. For…
Pond Winterizing: Pond Preparation for Fall and Winter
It is a great idea to begin winterizing your pond once the fall weather comes and the pond’s water temperature begins to approach 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The first step to pond winterizing and preparation is reducing debris and other organic matter. Any organic material in your pond will decay during the winter and deplete the…
Michigan Aquatic Weed Control and Pond Management
Lake Michigan has been subject to invasions of aquatic weeds species since the settlement of the region by Europeans. Since the 1800s, at least 140 non-indigenous aquatic organisms have been introduced to the Great Lakes ecosystem. Aquatic weeds come in the form of flora and fauna, and here we focus on the six most widespread…
Pond Colorant: More Than Just Water Color Dye
Due to uncontrollable geographic properties, a pond’s water may become dull, cloudy, or a dirty brown. A great way to reconcile this and enhance the beauty of your pond is to use a special pond colorant designed specifically for ponds. Not only do the colorant dyes change the color your pond, but many dyes such…
Controlling Leeches, Frogs, Muskrats and other Pond Predators
When managing a pond, it is important to be aware of the many residents that will call it home. Birds, fish, amphibians, and rodents will flock to a well-kept pond. There will also be predators playing their part in the pond’s balanced ecosystem. You should make sure to monitor them and decide if you need…
How to Prevent Swimmer’s Itch in Your Pond or Lake
When it comes to summer nuisances, Swimmer’s Itch easily trumps mosquito bites. Reddened spots, called papules, can itch intensely for up to a week, even with treatment. That could easily ruin a weekend, or even an entire vacation. Once you’ve had a case, you certainly won’t want to get it again! So what is the…
Fluridone — Principles of an Effective Aquatic Herbicide
When Fluridone is absorbed by a plant, the plant’s ability to generate energy through photosynthesis is restricted. If the plant can no longer convert the sun’s light into energy, then it ceases to grow and subsequently dies off. Fluridone is a slow acting aquatic herbicide that diffuses throughout an entire water body and can take…
Backyard Pond Care and Management – The Essentials
Backyard ponds can be a great source of beauty and enjoyment for many homeowners. Having a pond in your backyard often adds a feeling of tranquility to your property. However, ponds can quickly fall into poor health and degradation if not maintained. Proper backyard pond care and management requires a commitment from a well-informed pond…
Texas Pond Management and Pond Weed Control
In Texas, which has thousands of ponds and a multitude of invasive pond weed species, proper pond management is critical to keeping Texas water clean and healthy. Learning to identify problem aquatic weeds is the all important first step. Once identified, the proper measures can be taken to initiate sound management and control. Here are…
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