Aquatic Plants

To help you identify what aquatic plants you have in your lake or pond, we have created the tools below. If you have a good close-up photo of your plant, our Reverse Image Search does the work for you. Simply upload your photo using the submission box below. Otherwise, consult our Aquatic Plant Digital Field Guide to determine what plant(s) you have based on observable characteristics.

Reverse Image Search Aquatic Plant Identifier

Aquatic Plant Identifier Digital Field Guide

Search Aquatic Plants

Free Floating Plants

Submersed Plants

Rooted Floating Plants

Emergent Plants

Water Color/Quality

Eurasian watermilfoil in large cluster floating under pond surface.

Eurasian Watermilfoil

spiked watermilfoil
Planktonic algae around a boat.

Planktonic Algae

A stick coming out of a pond covered in filamentous algae.

Filamentous Algae

string algae, pond scum, water net, frog spittle, moss
Cluster of chara algae.

Chara Algae

Cluster of purple loosestrife growing in rock garden.

Purple Loosestrife

spiked loosestrife
Pickerelweed group.


flowered pickerelweed
Bulltongue arrowhead in water with a few flowers.

Bulltongue Arrowhead

lanceleaf, arrowhead, duck potato, wapato
Group of phragmites in a field.


common reed
Cattails with bright green leaves at water's edge.


hybrid cattail, graceful cattail, miniature cattail, southern cattail, narrow-leaved cattail, reed mace, cat-o’-nine-tails
Bulrush seeds heads close up.


California bulrush, woolgrass, keeled bulrush
Watershield group tangled.


dollar bonnet
Water lily pads with flower.

Water Lily

lilies, lily pad, American white water lily, elegant water lily, yellow water lily, Mexican water lily
Close up of water lettuce group.

Water Lettuce

water cabbage, river lettuce, shell flower
Group of water hyacinth.

Water Hyacinth

water orchid, floating water hyacinth, rooted water hyacinth
Watermeal on fingertips.


Duckweed on fingertips.


water lentil, giant duckweed, dotted duckweed, least duckweed, small duckweed
Mosquito fern red and green colors.

Mosquito Fern

duckweed fern, fairy moss, water fern, azolla
Water stargrass growing out of mud with three flowers.

Water Stargrass

grassleaf mudplantain
Isolated close up of sago pondweed.

Sago Pondweed

fennel pondweed, fennel-leaf pondweed, comb pondweed, ribbon weed, sago false pondweed
Isolated Robbin's pondweed in front of white background.

Robbin’s Pondweed