Aquatic Plants

To help you identify what aquatic plants you have in your lake or pond, we have created the tools below. If you have a good close-up photo of your plant, our Reverse Image Search does the work for you. Simply upload your photo using the submission box below. Otherwise, consult ourย Aquatic Plant Digital Field Guideย to determine what plant(s) you have based on observable characteristics.

Reverse Image Search Aquatic Plant Identifier

Aquatic Plant Identifier Digital Field Guide

Search Aquatic Plants

Free Floating Plants

Submersed Plants

Rooted Floating Plants

Emergent Plants

Water Color/Quality

Small group of yellow flag along the water.

Yellow Flag

yellow iris
Northern wild rice groups growing in shallow water.

Northern Wild Rice

Annual wild rice in a field.

Annual Wild Rice

Indian rice, southern rice
Cluster of wild taro.

Wild Taro

water taro, dasheen
Watercress over water.


Close up of water wisteria in a group.

Water Wisteria

Water spinach in large group covering water.

Water Spinach

swamp morning glory
Water clover group floating on water.

Water Clover

big foot water clover, dwarf water clover, European water clover
Turtleweed in group in front of a lake.


saltwort, beachwort
Close up of sweet flag flower.


Spotted water hemlock in a forest.

Spotted Water Hemlock

Spikerush in a group.


Close up of smooth waterhyssop flowers and leaves.

Smooth Waterhyssop

coastal waterhyssop
Longroot smartweed along the water.

Longroot Smartweed

water smartweed
Pennsylvania smartweed close up growing in a field.

Pennsylvania Smartweed

Close up of marshpepper smartweed flowers in a small group.

Marshpepper Smartweed

water pepper, marshpepper knotweed, marsh waterpepper, waterpepper smartweed
Swamp smartweed in a field.

Swamp Smartweed

waterpepper smartweed, false waterpepper, mild waterpepper
Close up of salt grass leaves.

Salt Grass

Reed mannagrass in a field.

Reed Mannagrass

great mannagrass, reed sweet-grass
Reed canarygrass in a field.

Reed Canarygrass