Pond Products
Pond Weed and Algae Products
We have specialized in controlling pond weeds and nuisance algae for over 40 years. Our pond weed and algae products were developed from a long history of treating ponds, knowing that our customers want recommendations for weed and algae control solutions that they can apply themselves.
Our pond products are designed to give your pond the healthy and beautiful look it was intended to have. We offer easy-to-use herbicides, algaecides, and nutrient reducers to fit the needs of your pond. We recommend using the following products to get you on your way to a beautiful, clear, and healthy pond:
- Dibrox® Herbicide to control floating and submerged weeds in your pond
- Mizzen® Algaecide to control filamentous and planktonic algae
- SparKlear® Liquid to control the nutrients and restore the overall health of your pond
- Sapphire Bay® Blue Pond Dye to give your pond a beautiful blue color
We also offer options for control over watermeal, cattails, and water lilies. Different sizes of products are available based on the weed type and size of your pond or water feature. Browse our products below to find the right solution for your pond and algae control needs
Product Use
Treatment Area
Product Form
Ship-to State
Blue Green Algae Test Kit
$25.00 -
Cattail & Water Lily Control
$143.00 -
Copper Sulfate
$45.00 – $225.00 -
$19.99 – $103.00 -
Pond Solutions
$497.00 -
Pond Treatment Products
$75.00 – $3,499.00 -
$23.50 – $355.00 -
Watermeal Pond Products
$216.00 – $359.00